Who is this course for :

Data scientists and analysts


Program Format

Online and Master Classes


What are the Outcomes of Data Storytelling and Visualisation Courses for Your Employees ?

Storytelling in data science is indispensable. That’s why we’ve designed our storytelling with a Data course to put businesses on the winning edge. We are bent on transforming your first-grade employees into master storytellers with data at the centre. This is a one-of-a-kind learning program that allows one to:

  • tick_image

    Communicate better

  • tick_image Foster a culture of clarity across crucial business concepts
  • tick_imageLevel-up inherent storytelling skills
  • tick_imageDiscover the elements that make a great story
  • tick_imageBe aware of the best practices and avoid common pitfalls of storytelling in Data Visualization
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Learn Winning Concepts Of Storytelling With Data To Dominate Business Conversations

Data storytelling and visualisation are inseparable components to bring the most out of your business data. With StackRoute’s training program, your workforce will be a step ahead to master the art of transforming complex datasets

into sizable chunks for better understandability. Here are some of the key concepts of storytelling with data covered in this course.


Introduction to Visualisation Learn how to use visualisation as a tool to communicate complex information. In this module, learners are introduced to various types of charts with different functions, such as distribution, comparison, relationship, and composition, making way for an explanatory analysis.


Data Visualisation on Oracle Analytics Cloud
Learn to work with Oracle Analytics Cloud, a comprehensive analytics platform that empowers organisations with data-driven insights. Get ready to be extensively trained on interactive dashboards, predictive analytics, data storytelling, and seamless integration with various data sources.


Uploading Data from External SourcesDiscover working with multiple ranging from spreadsheets, databases, cloud storage, and IoT devices, offering diverse data formats and connectivity options.


Blending and Managing Data Master the skill of seamless data blending coming from multiple sources and comprehensive analysis by combining diverse datasets. Plus, it also sets unique data-sharing controls to safeguard sensitive information.


Designing A Storytelling Framework
A functional storytelling framework starts with a compelling narrative. StackRoute’s storytelling with data training introduces you to multiple storytelling techniques that solve moderate to complex visualisation challenges.


Creating Impact With Text Data Visualisation
Visualising text data can be tricky. That’s where our storytelling with data program trains you better and makes the most out of using scatterplots, word clouds, line charts and histograms, t-SNE clusters, and much more.

Tools Covered

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Data Science & Machine Learning Courses Mentors

  • dfds
    Name Of The Mentor - Designation

    A brief description of overall experience and expertise of the mentor will come here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed varius lacus a magna pellentesque, vel dictum dolor suscipit. Nam aliquet nunc vitae dui hendrerit, lacinia pulvinar metus pulvinar. Morbi rutrum nulla aliquet ipsum sollicitudin, eget commodo lorem blandit. Proin eget erat nisi. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient

  • dfds
    Name Of The Mentor - Designation

    A brief description of overall experience and expertise of the mentor will come here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed varius lacus a magna pellentesque, vel dictum dolor suscipit. Nam aliquet nunc vitae dui hendrerit, lacinia pulvinar metus pulvinar. Morbi rutrum nulla aliquet ipsum sollicitudin, eget commodo lorem blandit. Proin eget erat nisi. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient

  • dfds
    Name Of The Mentor - Designation

    A brief description of overall experience and expertise of the mentor will come here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed varius lacus a magna pellentesque, vel dictum dolor suscipit. Nam aliquet nunc vitae dui hendrerit, lacinia pulvinar metus pulvinar. Morbi rutrum nulla aliquet ipsum sollicitudin, eget commodo lorem blandit. Proin eget erat nisi. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient

Talk To Our Program Coordinator


How StackRoute As A B2B LearningPartner Supports Your Organization Goals

Stackroute is trusted by the best in the business for unparalleled expertise in empowering corporates with cutting-edge tech training. Our tailored programs are designed to hone employees for futuristic roles, focusing on practical, hands-on learning and industry-relevant curricula. As an organisation, Stackroute helps you make an impact on both the top and bottom lines of your workforce.

  • tick_imageStackRoute allows you to integrate learning data across your existing tools with flexibility. This helps you track your ROI and engagement levels in tandem
  • tick_imageStackRoute enables you to seamlessly centralise all learning data and skills training activity, aligning with your organisational LMS goals. More importantly, it keeps you ahead of the curve by anticipating and addressing future learning needs, ensuring your workforce is always prepared for what's next.
Lets Beginarrow

What Roles Within Your Organisation Can Benefit From Our Storytelling With Data Course?

StackRoute’s storytelling with data training is designed to empower top-of-the-line company talent to take on futuristic roles. So, this course is particularly beneficial for:

  • Managers and decision-makers
  • Data analysts and scientists

Client Testimonials

Trusted By The Best In The Business

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vulputate. Donec aliquet, elit in sagittis cursus.



Frequently Asked Questions!

1. How can data storytelling training benefit our organisation? groupgroup
Data storytelling training can benefit your organisation by enhancing data communication skills, enabling better understanding and interpretation of data insights, improving decision-making processes, and fostering a data-driven culture.
2. What specific roles within our company would benefit most from data storytelling skills? groupgroup
Roles such as data analysts, data scientists, business analysts, managers, executives, and anyone involved in presenting data-driven insights to stakeholders can benefit significantly from data storytelling skills.
3. Can data storytelling training be customised to address our organisation's unique needs and objectives?groupgroup
Yes, data storytelling training can be customised to align with your organisation's specific goals, challenges, industry trends, and data requirements, ensuring relevance and practicality.
4. How can data storytelling contribute to better decision-making within our company? groupgroup
Data storytelling can contribute to better decision-making by making complex data accessible and understandable, providing actionable insights, supporting evidence-based strategies, and promoting data-driven discussions and collaborations.
5. Can data storytelling training help improve communication between different departments or teams within our organisation? groupgroup
Yes, data storytelling training can improve communication by facilitating clear and effective data sharing, fostering cross-functional collaborations, promoting a shared understanding of data-driven goals, and encouraging transparency in decision-making processes.
6. How do you measure the effectiveness of data storytelling training within a corporate setting?groupgroup
The effectiveness of data storytelling training can be measured through assessments of improved data communication skills, enhanced data-driven decision-making, increased engagement with data insights, positive feedback from stakeholders, and measurable business impact, such as improved KPIs.
7. What industries or fields can benefit from incorporating data storytelling?groupgroup
Industries such as finance, healthcare, marketing, retail, technology, education, and any field dealing with data-driven decision-making can benefit from incorporating data storytelling.
7. Are there any prerequisites for enrolling in the data storytelling training program?groupgroup
Prerequisites may vary depending on the training program but generally include a basic understanding of data analysis concepts, familiarity with data visualisation tools, and an interest in improving data communication skills.

Reach out to us!

Got a question about our programs? Interested in partnering with us? Got suggestions or just want to say hi? Contact us below:

StackRoute, an NIIT Venture NIIT Ltd Plot No.1660 & 1661, Millers the Autograph, 3rd Floor, Sector-2, 27th Main, Above VLCC, HSR Layout, Bangalore - 560102 Get Directions →